About Tatas On Tap

Hello! Welcome to my online store! Like many others, I found myself having a hard time finding easy access breastfeeding and pumping shirts. And what I could find was so expensive. I started doing some research and decided to jump in with both feet and start my own online store. Thank you for supporting a small business and family!


A little bit about me. And probably TMI.

My husband and I have had two VERY different journeys with our sons. Our first son is an IVF baby. What a long difficult road that was. It took 5 years and 3 rounds to get him here. He is almost 3 and such an amazing, kind child. My breastfeeding journey with him was so stressful, and mentally draining. I had to supplement with formula because my body just didn't make enough. Even though I know I was fortunate to be able to give him at least some breastmilk rather than none, it still made me feel like I was a failure of a mom. We made it three short months before I threw the towel in. Alas, he is happy and healthy. And honestly I was mentally in better place after I quit. I had no idea the stress and toll it was taking on me. 


Our second journey has been completely different! A naturally conceived baby who was a little unexpected but 100% wanted. We had started looking into getting assistance again when I found out I was actually already pregnant! That little guy just turned 6 months old. We have had an amazing successful 100% breastfeeding journey. It has been so frustrating trying to find cute clothes to breastfeed in. Working full-time and having to pump is awful. I am so uncomfortable having to get half naked to pump depending on what clothes I am wearing that day.


Why am I telling you about my life? Well because I want you to know who you are supporting by buying from this store. And that I feel your pain when it comes to finding clothing. I don't want to have to be half naked just to feed my baby in public! So that is why I'm here. To help all the Mamas. 

And just because maybe you aren't breastfeeding anymore,  OR you chose not to, OR you just couldn't, there are some fun comfy clothes for you here too! Even the easy access shirts can be worn like regular clothes. But every Mama deserves to have awesome clothes. So please enjoy, and I hope you enjoy the humor in here too. 

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